Spread.Services Documentation
Open, Save and Protect Workbook
Spread.Services Documentation > Developer's Guide > Customize User Interaction > Manage Workbook > Open, Save and Protect Workbook

Once you create a workbook, you can open the workbook to make modifications, save the changes back to the workbook and protect it with a password to ensure security.

This topic includes the following tasks:

Open a workbook

You can open an existing workbook by calling the Open method of the Workbook class.

While opening a workbook, you can also choose from several import options listed in the below table:

                                Open Options                                                Description
Import Flags





Read only the data from the worksheet

Read only the data, formula, defined names and table from the worksheet. Table is included for table formula.

DoNotRecalculateAfterOpened Do not recalculate when getting formula value after loading the file. Default is false

Refer to the following example code to open a workbook.

Copy Code
// Opening a workbook
//Opening a workbook with Import options
    //Import only data from .xlsx document.
    var openOptions = new OpenOptions();
    openOptions.ImportFlags = ImportFlags.Data;
    workbook.Open("DemoOpen.xlsx", null, openOptions);

    //Don't recalculate after opened.
     var openOptions = new OpenOptions();
     openOptions.DoNotRecalculateAfterOpened = true;
     workbook.Open("DemoOpen.xlsx", null, openOptions);   
Note: While opening the workbook, you can check whether it is password protected or not by using the IsEncryptedFile method of the Workbook class. If your workbook is password protected, you would need to provide a password everytime you open it.

Save a workbook

You can save the changes made in the existing workbook by calling the Save method of the Workbook class.

Refer to the following example code to save your workbook.

Copy Code
// Save the Excel file

Protect a workbook

Spread.Services provides you extensive security in terms of enabling users to protect a workbook by encrypting it with a password. This is important when you have a business critical workbook containing sensitive data that you don't want to share with everyone.

Refer to the following example code to make your worksheet password protected.

Copy Code
// Save the Excel file and protect it using password.
workbook.Save("createWorkbook.xlsx", "123456");
See Also